
Sunday, March 1, 2015

A cold week in February

Next week we will study the letter v, so we got out our vet set.  
We also studied some of the healing miracles of Jesus.



Lenten Activity - We folded a sheet of paper and tore away the edge (our bad choices) When we opened the paper the students discovered it we changed into a cross. Thus illustrating that when we change bad choices into good choices we get closer to Jesus.

Students wrote a letter to Jesus

Dear Jesus, 
I love you because:

He saves us when we are in trouble. Jesus helps us. 
He died on the cross to save us from our sins.  
The 14 stops that he made reminds us that he loves us.
He is merciful. He freed the slaves and he loves us.
He saved the world. Jesus suffered for us. I love Jesus. Jesus is a king.
You love me.  I love you because of miracles.
You love me and you save us from our sins.
You made miracles happen and I like you and I love you.
You made us and love us.
You are the Son of God. You freed the slaves.
You made all my stuff. You made Ryan.
He made me. He died on the cross.
He is the Son of God. He save our sins.
You are my best friend and you have freed us.
You blessed me and my family.
He loves us.  Jesus … superkids.
He loves me and I love love Jesus.  
You died for us to take our sins and we love you.

Hands-on Magnet Exploration
We also turned our scissors into magnets

We love to hear comments from you.

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