
Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Big Question of the Day?

Every morning in kindergarten we start class with a prayer - song.

Next, we say the pledge of allegiance together.

Then, we ask the big question of the day:  "What's for lunch?"

At open house on Sunday, you will be asked to select a food plan.

A. School lunch with milk daily -  $40 per month. 
B. School lunch with milk - $2.75 per meal eaten.
C. Lunch from home with school milk - $ 0.40 each.

Guest lunches are $3.00

Parents are welcome to join us for lunch. 
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Please, wait a few weeks after school starts, so we can establish a good routine and the students are comfortable at school.
2. Please, do not bring fast food or soda to lunch (school policy).
3. We would appreciate an email so we know to plan for your visit.   

I hope this information is helpful. Please, feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Mrs. Braddock

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