
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Kinder Kids Features Kids

This Week in Kindergarten we were very busy!

We studied the seven days of creation, by reading about it, watching a video clip, singing about it, playing games, and acting it to a make a class movie.

Here are a few pictures from the class movie.  I only included children that I have a signed media release form in the classroom. Some forms may still be in the office.  

More to come ….

Fun Lunch surprise from Mrs. Bailey!

We studied the letter C and Superkid Cass

Cass loves to cook, so we read stories about cooking such as
Froggy Bakes a Cake
Franklin Makes Homemade Cookies

Then on Friday we enjoyed decorating cookies and smelling them bake in the classroom.  

It will be another hot week, so your children will be tried when they come home!

I hope you have a restful afternoon with your family

Mrs. Braddock

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