
Saturday, November 15, 2014

KinderKids Week 13

How can you give your child a little extra boost in reading
without giving up your time and money for tutors and worksheets?

Here is an example of a success story:

Just by using Superkids online games on a regular basis, this student went from a 77% on final consonants to 100%!!!
Almost every student in kindergarten needs some extra practice with final consonants and this is a quick and easy way to help them master this skill.

On Monday we went on a walk that re-enacted the story of Moses:

1. Burning Bush
2. Pharaoh and the Frogs
3. Crossing the Red Sea
4. Getting Water in the Desert
5. Collecting Manna in the Desert
6. Hunting for Quail

7. Ten Commandments

The  First Thanksgiving

David and Goliath:

Rocks, Rocks, Rocks

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