
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Superkids Online Fun

How to Log-in to Superkids On-line Fun

Click on the link below:


5th click on log-in
7th to select games
8th to select game 1
9th to select game 2

Be sure to click on leave before exiting the program.

I hope you find these directions useful.

You can also add a short cut to the desktop, you are welcome to do so, directions are on the parent site.  

Please, leave a comment to let me know if this was helpful.

Mrs. Braddock

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kinderkids Week 10

Superkid Icky

Helps us learn about the short i sound

Instead painting leaves for fall, we painted the burning bush.

We studied leaves with books with fiction and non-fiction books.

Then we went on a leaf hunt.  
We found red oak, ginkgo, dogwood, white oak, linden, sweet gum, and maple leaves. 

Built skeleton puzzles
Superkids on-line fun in background

Introduced bats with video clips in class
and art with Mrs. Carwile.

We filmed the stars bowing to Joseph in this dream.

We watched the Safety Kids perform to kick off Red Ribbon Week

Mrs. Braddock

Saturday, October 18, 2014

KinderKids Week 9

This week's Superkid is Lily
She loves lions

Wow! We had a busy week.

On Monday the class surprised me with this beautiful birthday cake and cookies!
We shared them with both classes.
Thank you so much for this wonderful treat!

Despite the rainy weather, the firefighter came to school with the fire safety trailer.

This is inside the tiny living room

This day was especial great, as we got to talk with Eleanor's Dad,
who is a firefighter with the JCFP.

Climbing to safety

KOMU TV station filmed the pledge of allegiance

You can click on the link below to see when it will air.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch

We rode on a bus to Fischer's farm

Both kindergarten classes ate lunch together

Played in the corn kernels
Played in the cotton room

We rode on the hay wagon to pick pumpkins

In religion, we studied Moses and the Burning Bush 
with songs, stories, and video clips

Father Aubuchon popped in our class just before lunch.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated!

No last names of children, please.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 8 KinderKids

The Superkid of the week was Sal!
Sal loves sport!

Writers Workshop
The kindergartners love writer's workshop!  After a brief writing lesson, the students can illustrate, label or write about any topic. Here is a brief unedited writing session.  All the students are very engaged in the writing process despite their current ability levels.  

For Social Studies this week we focused on Fire Safety
with songs, books, video clips and a fire truck center.

In religion, we studied the story of Joseph's coat of many colors with songs, video clips, stories, art, and acting out the story.

Students created coats of many colors for the bulletin board.

Please, read "The Dream" an emergent reader for young children with your child. 

Superkids Play Center
Rainy Day Play

Art with Mrs. Carwile

Mrs. Braddock

Saturday, October 4, 2014

KInderKids Week 7

Letter of the Week D

This week's Superkid was Doc, she likes to fix broken toys.

Small group work 
Superkids online Fun
Dinosaur Puzzles

Rainy days include Dinosaurs

And Drawing

We continued our study of miracle babies in the Bible this week emphasizing 
that all babies are a miracle from God.  

 Here is the second group of baby pictures from our class.
Can you guess who is in this group? First, names only.
Leave your guesses in the comment section 
and I will share them with the class.

We also studied the lives of two of my favorite Saints:
Saint Therese and Saint Francis with stories and video clips.

We even got to touch a relic from St. Therese

To Be Continued…

Mrs. Braddock